Purchase Responsibly With Kevala

Purchase Responsibly With Kevala

Featured Journal

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20 December 2023

Embracing Plastic-Free Packaging In Ceramics

Traditional plastic packaging, despite its convenience, comes at a heavy cost to the planet. Its non-biodegradable nature means it lingers in landfills and oceans for centuries, posing a threat to wildlife and ecosystems. Recognising this issue, we felt a responsibility to adopt a more sustainable approach to packaging without compromising the safety and quality of our products.

Our journey towards plastic-free packaging doesn’t end here.It’s an ongoing commitment to continuously explore, innovate, and adapt. However, we firmly believe that small changes collectively make a significant impact.

It’s an ongoing commitment to continuously explore, innovate, and adapt. However, we firmly believe that small changes collectively make a significant impact. All Kevala’s made-to-order and in-store pieces are packaged with renewable packaging eliminating the consumption of plastic.


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